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2025-02-11 5563 74条评论


The Color of My Exam Stress

The air hung heavy with the scent of anxiety a peculiar blend of nervous sweat and stale textbooks The fluorescent lights in the classroom buzzed relentlessly a symphony of anticipation that echoed the frantic beat of my heart It was the eve of the national college entrance examination the dreaded Gaokao and the color of my mood was a sickly shade of green a mix of apprehension and exhaustion


一:My textbook lay open before me the pages filled with scribbled notes underlinings and highlighted passages a testament to countless sleepless nights and caffeinefueled study sessions My mind howeverrefused to cooperate instead opting to replay the countless scenarios of failure that plagued my tho

二:ughts What if I blanked out during the exam What if I couldnt recall a single formula or grammaticalrule What if this one test defined the rest of my lifeThe green of my mood deepened turning into a murky shade of gray as I grappled with the weight of ex

三:pectations My parents with their wellmeaning pressure had painted the Gaokao as a lifealtering event

四:a single hurdle that determined my future Their constant reminders their hopeful smiles and their unspoken anxieties only amplified the pressure I feltMy phone buzzed a message from my best friend Lily Hey how are you feeling Im a nervous wreck but I


五:also feel like this is just another test she wrote Her words despite their casualness resonated withme For all the pressure and anxiety wasnt this just another testLilys message sparked a shift in my mood The gray began to lighten tinged with a faint hint of blue


六:the color of hope I remembered all the latenight study sessions the shared laughter and whispered anxieties the unwavering support from my friends and family The Gaokao wasnt just about getting into aprestigious university it was about showcasing the hard work and dedication I had poured into my studies a culmination of years of effort and perseveranceI picked up my pen the familiar feel of its weight a comforting presence in the otherwise chaotic at


七:mosphere The pressure of the exam remained but it was no longer an overwhelming force Instead it fel

八:t like a challenge an opportunity to prove myself to show what I was capable ofMy mind began to race not with anxieties anymore but with a renewed sense of purpose I flipped through the pages of my textbook not with dread but with a quiet determination to review everything one l


九:ast time The color of my mood shifted again this time toward a vibrant yellow the color of optimismand resilienceThe next morning as I walked into the examination hall the air still thick with tension a strange ca


十:lmness washed over me The anxieties were still there but they were overshadowed by a sense of accomplishment I had prepared myself I had faced my fears and I was ready to give my bestThe exam was long and challenging but I tackled each question with focus and determination The pressure was immense but I refused to be consumed by it Instead I channeled it into a powerful force a driving energy that pushed me to persevere


As I left the examination hall the color of my mood was a bright radiant orange a vibrant mix of relief and satisfaction I had faced the Gaokao the monster that had haunted my dreams for months and I

had emerged stronger more confident and with a newfound appreciation for the power of resilienceThe Gaokao may have been a test of knowledge but it was also a test of character a journey of selfdiscovery and growth The green of my initial anxiety had transformed into a vibrant palette of emotions a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of challenges And even though the re


sults were yet to be revealed I knew deep down that I had already achieved something remarkable I had overcome the fear embraced the challenge and emerged victorious


本文作者:admin88088 网址:https://www.yitongbj.cn/post/43170.html 发布于 2025-02-11



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