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英语说说心情短语 初夏

2025-02-19 6364 569条评论


The Smell of Summer

The air hung heavy pregnant with the promise of summer It wasnt quite there yet but you could feel it in the way the sun lingered longer painting the sky in hues of orange and pink and in the way thebreeze carried the scent of honeysuckle and freshly cut grass It was the scent of possibility of long lazy days and warm nights filled with laughter and fireflies


一:Elena sat on her porch swing a book balanced precariously on her lap It was a day for reading but her mind kept drifting pulled by the allure of the approaching season She closed the book letting it fall to her lap with a soft thud

二:The house a charming Victorian with a wraparound porch was quiet Her parents were away on a businesstrip leaving her with the house all to herself It was a rare opportunity for solitude a chance to indulge in the quiet pleasures of her own company

三:She rose her bare feet sinking into the soft cool grass The porch swing creaked gently as she pushed

四:it back and forth the rhythm echoing the gentle swaying of the tall oak tree that stood guard overthe front yard The air was alive with the buzzing of bees the chirping of birds and the soft rustling of leaves


五:Elenas gaze wandered to the overgrown vegetable garden a testament to her fathers forgotten dreams of selfsufficiency The weeds had taken over a tangled mess of green and brown but she could still seethe faint outline of tomato plants and rows of peppers A bittersweet pang of nostalgia filled her r


六:eminding her of the long summer evenings spent helping her father tend to the garden the smell of rich soil clinging to her clothes the taste of freshly picked tomatoes bursting with sweetnessAs she walked towards the garden she could feel the sun warming her skin a welcome change from the crispness of spring The heat was still manageable a gentle reminder that the summer was fast approaching


七:With a sigh she pulled out a few weeds feeling a strange sense of satisfaction as she cleared the sp

八:ace It was a small act but it felt like a gesture of defiance a refusal to let the summer slip awaywithout leaving a markShe spent the rest of the afternoon lost in the simple pleasures of the garden She watered the survi


九:ving plants carefully trimming the overgrown branches and even planted a few sunflower seeds hopingto bring a splash of color to the neglected spaceThe sun began to dip below the horizon casting long shadows across the garden The air grew cooler an


十:d the scent of honeysuckle intensified Elena sat on the porch steps watching the sky transform intoa palette of orange pink and purple The world seemed to hold its breath waiting for the night to fallShe had found her peace a quiet contentment that came from simply being present in the moment savoring the fleeting beauty of the season The summer was coming and with it a promise of new beginnings


of adventures waiting to be discoveredLater that evening after the stars had begun to dot the night sky she sat on the porch swing again a

glass of lemonade in her hand The gentle breeze carried the scent of honeysuckle and damp earth a sweet intoxicating aroma that whispered of summers arrival She closed her eyes letting the warmth ofthe night settle around her and for the first time in a long time she felt truly at home



本文作者:kali 网址:https://www.yitongbj.cn/post/76506.html 发布于 2025-02-19



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